The movie centers around two main characters like in the game series, Mario (Bob Hoskins) and Luigi) John Leguizamo, a pair of plumbers from New York. Our story here is focused around Princess Daisy (Samantha Mathis) who is a paleontologist that was born in a parallel dimension, created when a meteor hit the earth millions of years ago. In this dimension dinosaurs have evolved into human based life forms, led by the dictating ruler Koopa (Dennis Hopper). Koopa has sent two goons into New York to kidnap and return the Princess to the other dimension through the dig site she just happens to be working at. What he does not count on is two unlikely plumbers following her through the portal. Ultimate goal of King Koopa, to merge the two dimensions together and take over the human side, which is far cleaner and better than the one he is stuck in. All of which will go according to plan unless two plumbers can save the day.
What's great about this movie, over some of the other recent video game movies, are how many nods there are to the actual game. They may not be out right and obvious, but, when you go back and listen to the dialog and watch background objects you'll start seeing more. For those from the 90's it even feature the SNES Super Scope as Koopa's ultimate weapon. It may not be the best convert from a game into a movie, but, they had to make a movie that would appeal to movie goers and game players. They also had to do it with out the use of the heavy laden CGI that video game movies, today, rely on so much. At the end the ultimate point I want to make, its not designed to be an Oscar winner and be a famous classic, its there as pure fun and geared towards those that grew up around the original Mario games.
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