Samantha gets invited by a Sheik to the United Arab Emirates city of Abu Dhabi, all expenses paid on his behalf in the hopes she will run a PR campaign for him. Most of the movie takes place here and most of it revolves around how these four women aren't into the women being second to a man rules of the country. This movie should really be called Sex and the City: Samantha's Adventure. Samantha is the main character in this movie once they leave New York, in New York it's all Carrie, in the Middle East its Samantha's show. She's constantly oogling the boys, walking the fine line of showing too much skin, and pushing the buttons of by-standers with her public displays of affection with the men she meets.
The first movie was pretty decent, not a fan of the HBO series or the books (a little to chicky for my tastes), alas the first one was alright. It had a decent story, from what I know carried the series into a movie format pretty well. The problem I have is, it's called Sex and the City, yet both movies you spend more time in other countries that in New York. Okay, Okay I guess the first one Mexico kind of worked because it was suppose to be the Honeymoon that never happened, turned into a vacation. But, why the Middle East and what a lousy excuse to go there and a bad Hollywood showing of what life is actually like over there. It seems they struggled a lot to come up with a plan to make a second movie work. To me it should of ended with the first movie, it did well in theaters and gave the fans of the series a movie. This one tanked in the box office and did not get rave reviews, at some point Hollywood needs to realize just cause there's a fan base doesn't always mean that they will pay to see what ever gets made with the material they flock over.
Plus the movie clocks in at a whopping almost two hours and forty minutes, way longer than it should be. It could of easy ended at the two hour mark. Lots of scenes from the final act of the movie were pointless and to me just there to stretch the movie out. But, depicting UAE was bad, I mean come on having four ladies sing karaoke to "I am a woman", really, to me all this movie did was push the political correctness of needed women's rights in UAE.
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