The bad thing about all these action guys are half of them either have foreign accents or talk so low you can't understand half the dialogue in the movie. Between poor dialogue and plot that doesn't deliver this movie just will not hold your interest beginning to end. It's a lot of shooting people, blowing things up, and hacking off limbs, that's about the only reason you'd watch this movie. Those that don't like movies, but like the explosions and blood are the ones that will enjoy this movie. Even at that some of the special effects shots do have a little hokey-ness to them. I really did want this to be a good movie with all these big name action stars, though I spent half the movie wanting to do something else other than watch it.
Stallone needs to just give in the towel, I know he keeps looking to create a hit movie before he retires, but, I don't think that is gonna happen for him. I have to say the best thing about this movie is Arnold Schwarzenegger's cameo. Also the cinematography was so dark in this film, half the time you had to squint to try and see what is happening on screen. The movie leaves off for one and if rumors are true a sequel is already in the works, which is already gonna bed bad, unless Sylvester hands over the directing and finds a better script writer. Bottom-line is no matter how many big names you put in a movie does not mean it is going to do well.
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