Tomorrow January 1st, 2011 will mark the date for my new and better laid out plan to watch as many movies as I can in one year. It will also mark the start of my forming a real-world movie watchers club, bringing together people that love movies and a better system for blogging my reviews. Everything will fall under what I'm calling 'Project: Cinema'. The websites main page will be the same focusing on movie reviews or personal blogs, the 'Project: Cinema' tag will take you to an on going listing of the movies I have watched during my year long challenge, the 'Project: Cinema Chat' tab will remain the same offering a virtual space to talk and discuss a movie or movies in general, the 'Movie Trailers' tab will be the same focusing on different movie previews and a new tab 'Club Project: Cinema' will take shape as I work out the details and specifics for starting the real club. Until tomorrow, I'll see you at the movies.
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