Ice Quake
This is one of those SYFY channel movies that at the end you start asking yourself...why did I just watch that? The story takes place in Alaska, around Christmas day. Michael Webster is a geologist with the Army Corps of Engineers under the leader ship of Colonel Bill Hughes (Victor Garber), Michaels family trip to go get a Christmas Tree on a secluded govenment controlled mountain top will get intreruppted by a series of ice quakes that have been occuring across the region caused by a massive amount of methane gas trying to break through the surface. Yup, it's a stretch for a plot, it gets even better when a quake in Alaska sends a shockwave to Russia and causes a majoy ice shelf to collpase, now the consiracy theories also play into the story. 'Ice quake' is your typical SYFY setup, tragic-apopcalyptic event occurs and only one person has the knowledge and ability to stop it.
Shrek the Third
I re-watched this one, cause the first and only time I had ever seen it was in theaters after a day of work and kept nodding off most of the movie. Missed half the movie and I figured before I watch the fourth one that just hit DVD I should re-watch the third one. Three picks up where the second movie left off, Shrek (Michael Meyers) and Fiona (Cameron Diaz) not long after their marriage and are living in the castle in Far Far Away. Unfortunately, the king is deathly ill and is on his death bed, when shrek learns he will be the next heir to the throne. Last thing Shrek wants is to become king and never get to see his beloved swamp again, turns out that one more person exist that can be the king and that is a boy named Arthur. The story manly follows Shrek, Donkey (Eddie Murphy and Puss In Boot (Antonio Banderas) as the venture out to find and bring Arthur back to be king. Shrek has other things distracting him along the way though, one of which is right before he leaves he learns Fiona is pregnant and two, his friends are trying to convience him to be king, While they are away the fairytale villians have rised up and decided to no longer be number to and have over turned Far Far Away. When Shrek returns only the new King Arthur will be able to bring a piece across the land.
The Tale of Desperaux
I know this was a big deal when it was in theaters and contained a huge cast of voice talents. It took me almost four days to watch this movie, I could not get into it and for some reason it kept putting me to sleep. It's based on the award winning kids book of the same name by Kate Dicamillo. The tale takes place in the kingdom of Dor, which is famous for soup, it's wierd I know, it's a fairytale though I guess. Roscuro (Dustin Hoffman) is a rat that has just arrived by ship and is drawn to the famous scent of the soup, through a set of events, will be the cause of the queens death. With her passing, the king now outlaws all soup and rats from the land. Desperaux (Matthew Broderick) is a outcast mouse because of his bravery and wanting to be more of a man than a mouse. It will be up to this tiny mouse with big ears in the end and a Roscuro that feels the need to fix what he broke, to save the princess from a rat horde and bring the king out of mourning. I never read the childrens book, but, the movie was very kinda chaotic and seemed like a choppy script to me. Almost as if they tried to fit in more than they should of into the movie from the book and in turn giving it a dis-jointed feel.
I'm not a fan of westerns at all, this movie though however I did very much enjoy. This one unlike the last western I watched '3:10 to Yuma', captured that old west feel and look much better. The movie, Based on the novel of the same name by Robert B. Parker, is really a story of two men and the working relationship they share, Marshall Virgil Cole (Ed Harris) and his deputy Everett Hitch (Vigo Mortensen). The pair move around from town to town taking over and helping the town officials get rid of outlaws. They have taken control of the small town of Appaloosa that is constantly being terrorized by a rancher, Randall Bragg (Jeremy Irons) and after a witness to a murder comes forward. Together the two marshalls will need to protect the town and at the same town get their prisoner to his hanging. Except Allison French (Renee Zellweger) has just arrived in town and has caught the eye of Virgil Cole and will now cause problems as his feelings for her develop, while trying to maintain his bond with Everett. There's not a lot of action in this western, it's alot more of a drama about the characters and their relationships with one other that give depth to the movie. I think this is probably the best of these four movies hand down, i'm always up for a good storyline and well developed character over CGI and visual candy.
Well, that was those in a nutshell, Sorry they were so short in the reviews, got a lot happening with working retail in the holidays, another reason for going into a hiatus. Once the holidays are passed it will be a lot easier and will have a lot more time to dedicate to the blog.
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